Supply Chain Sustainability


There is no doubt that sustainability now pervades every area of business, there are typically three elements to sustainability; social,
environmental, and economic issues. However the latter of these is now commonly replaced by many organisations with the governance
approach underpinning the first two, hence ESG.

The impacts are sustainable behaviours are typically recognised under three headings,

  • People (social sustainability),
  • Planet (environmental sustainability), and
  • Profit, forward thinking organisations replace the profit motive with prosperity, which considers the wider benefits of economic sustainability beyond the direct organisational profit.

These risks are common in all supply chains and our approach to understanding the risks, identifying the markets of concern and performing
appropriate due diligence should be proportionate. The effective management of Sustainability through the supply chain reduces risk, improves
reputation, and attracts customers and investment.

Navigator Terminals


Our aim is to become a sustainability leader within our industry and become a carbon neutral organisation for our own operations by 2040 or earlier. To achieve this, we will continue to evolve our roadmap to manage our sustainability performance and behaviours ethically and within a strong financial control framework. We will develop a diverse workforce and build strong customer and supplier partnerships which are valued for their contribution to delivering our joint corporate sustainability and governance objectives. Our performance will be reflected through and reported against the UN Sustainable Development Goals for consistency.

The corporate roadmap we are taking to achieve this can be found on our Sustainability Web Pages by clicking here.

The supply chain roadmap is shown below, and takes us through to the end of 2022, if you have any questions regarding this, please
contact our Procurement Manager.

As a supplier or potential supplier to Navigator Terminals we would ask that you to review the following information and how your organisation can take it own steps forward and support the Navigator roadmap at the same time.

Emissions Management

Do you monitor and manage your emissions profile through. Scope 1 and Scope 2, and the emissions you pass to your customers Scope 3.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

Are you contributing to the programs which support the outcomes of the Paris Agreement and COP21

Human Rights and Modern Slavery

Do you understand the risks within your supply chain including and beyond your first tier primary suppliers. How do you manage these risks and help your business and your suppliers understand the potential impacts of inaction. Please read the poster and then click on it for the free training link.